
Sunday, 13 January 2013

Back Home by Michelle Magorian

After five happy years in America, Rusty must return to England: the place she used to call home.

But it doesn't fell like home. Rusty's mother is like a stranger, her little brother doesn't know her and why does the food taste so bad? Rusty just can't get used to the rigid rules and rationing and her strict new boarding school.

Lonely and homesick, Rusty makes friends with Lance, another returned evacuee, and her indomitable spirit leads her into a dramatic and devastating rebellion. . .

Rusty has just been evacuated to America. The war has ended and she is now heading back home, England. She finds herself in a run-down house in Devon where her mother and brother were evacuated in the war, but on her return, they are whisked back to their house in London to meet her grandmother. Her mother does not understand the freedom and fun she had in America so is constantly telling her off for being immature. Her grandmother and brother hate her and her war veteran father wants her to be more lady like. When she moves to an all girls private school, her only friend is Lance, a boy from the local boy’s school. They meet up at night and one day find a bombed house in the woods. They decorate the house together, but Rusty fears Lance is growing further and further away from her. So, she decides to run away… back to Devon.

This book was amazing and I really empathised with Rusty. I learned how lucky the Americans were in the Second World War with no rationing, luxury clothing, sweets, paints and many other items. Some parts of the book made me cringe but others made me smile. I loved how her brother’s reaction to Rusty constantly changed throughout the book and the strict, old-fashioned ways of their grandmother.

This would be a recommended read to anyone about my age.

Review written by Isabella Somerville, Year 7.

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